Potential Benefits of Parboiled Rice
What is Parboiled Rice:
This type of rice is known as converted rice and is a refined version that is treated at the harvesting stage. The production of this rice is done through three steps that include soaking, steaming, and drying. This procedure reduces starch, which makes it less sticky and more separate when cooked and resulting in transparent grains.
Parboiling drives nutrients, especially thiamin, from the bran to the endosperm, hence parboiled white rice is nutritionally similar to brown rice. This type of rice is an excellent alternative when you are on a diet. You can always opt for parboiled rice if you are a rice lover and cannot resist eating it. This rice makes you chew more than regular rice containing all the benefits of bran and germ and provide the health benefits. Unlike the regular white rice, it is soaked, steamed, and dried before the removal of the hull. Well-known nutritionist recommends eating parboiled rice. Let jump into the advantages of why you should consume it.
Easy to digest
Parboiled rice is very light on the stomach containing fiber in it, which helps in restoring bowel function and ameliorates common digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation.
While you are on a diet, you restrict yourself from carbohydrates and often forget that your body needs it to function well, think clearly, and be active and stay fit. And if you are calorie conscious person, there is nothing to worry about as this type of rice is very low on calories and rich in a variety of nutrition, essential for the human body.
Rich in minerals
One cup of parboiled rice contains a lot of nutritional values providing you with 2 to 2.5 percent of the daily recommended intake of calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese. Being rich in manganese it reduces the risk of heart attacks and helps lower blood pressure. It will also spike up your intake of zinc that will help you boost your immune system.
High in antioxidants
Parboiled rice comes loaded with phytonutrients and antioxidants. It has a large amount of anthocyanins, which has been linked to preventing cancer and reducing inflammation.
Rich in vitamins
If you want to hike up your vitamin levels and find it difficult to supplement it, parboiled rice could be ideal for you. Parboiled rice has double the number of vitamins as compared to regular white rice. It is especially rich in B vitamins containing niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6, nutrients that your body needs to metabolize food into energy.
Ideal for diabetics
It has a low glycemic index and thus makes an incredibly desirable option for people with diabetes and those on a sugar-controlled diet. Eating this type of rice can help you lose weight.
Parboiled Rice Versus Brown Rice?
It is very healthy to eat parboiled rice, and it’s a much greater option compared to untreated regular rice, simply because of higher nutritional values. Of course, parboiled rice has a less amount of dietary fiber as compared to brown rice, but it cooks faster and is light on the stomach and has a better flavor in comparison to it. If dietary fiber is what makes you conscious, then you should opt for brown rice; however, parboiled rice is healthy and provides an ample amount of nutritional benefits to be considered the best option among the rice varieties.
Parboiled rice is high-quality rice produced by a special process of heat treatment. The grains are firm and do not stick together or overcook when cooking. A great source of complete nutrition for people who are on a diet and looking for healthy alternatives to rice. Parboiled rice is used for preparing dishes like salads, risottos, and side dishes.