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Substituting Corn Syrup with Rice Syrup

Substituting Corn Syrup with Rice Syrup

What is Corn Syrup?

The corn (also called maize in some countries) syrup is made from the starch of corn that contains varying amounts of higher oligosaccharides and maltose, depending on the category. Also known as glucose syrup to bakers and confectioners, the corn syrup is used in foods to add volume, soften the texture and prevent crystallization of sugar, and improve the flavor of the food. 

The corn syrup is different from high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This is prepared from corn syrup by converting a large amount of its glucose into fructose using the enzyme D-xylose isomerase, thus producing a sweeter compound due to higher levels of fructose. Glucose syrup is often used equivalently with corn syrup since it’s made from corn starch. Technically, glucose syrup is any liquid starch of higher-saccharides and hydrolysate (mono-, di-), and could be manufactured from any source of starch; tapioca, wheat, and potatoes are the most common other sources.

What is Rice Syrup?

Rice syrup is also called rice (malt) syrup, maltose syrup, or simply rice syrup. It is made by boiling brown rice and exposing it to enzymes. These break down and transform the rice’s starches into sugar (malt-triose, maltose, and glucose), and the resulting sweet fluid, which is boiled and reduced down into a light brown syrup.

This syrup is often all-natural and organic. It contains no gluten or fructose, low levels of glucose, and has a high glycemic index. Vegans may prefer it to refined sugar. It’s frequently used in processed foods and rice milk that are marketed as healthy and natural, such as granola bars and drinks, which would otherwise be made with processed sugars or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

Looking for a Corn Syrup Alternative? Consider Rice Syrup

Corn syrup and rice syrup are often substituting in recipes. Just like corn syrup has a long history of use, rice syrup is often used in Asian countries—it’s a matter of the food crop’s availability. Both the syrups have glucose and are similar in sweetness, consistency, and effect of food. If you’re seeking a good candy-making (or high-temperature cooking) substitute for corn syrup, brown rice syrup is the best choice that one could have. 

What Does It Taste Like?

Brown rice syrup is moderately sweet, much less so than agave nectar, sugar, and honey. However, it does have a nutty flavor that is not found in corn syrup. Some people find it resembling the taste of butterscotch.

Brown Rice Syrup Uses

Rice syrup is used like any other liquid sweetener. So many industrial applications like manufacturing gums, bakery products cereal and energy bars, baby foods, vitamin and dietary supplements, and pharmaceutical applications require rice syrup to produce the final product. 

Benefits of Brown Rice Syrup

Some of the amazing benefits of consuming rice syrup are, it is natural and organic, hypoallergenic and best for people who are lactose intolerant. Completely vegan, non-GMO and gluten-free making it a healthy alternative for people looking to maintain their diet.


Rice syrup is a sugar substitute that is low in calories, allergen-free, and comes in varying levels of sweetness. With a thickness like that of honey, Rice Syrup has proved itself as a popular choice over sugar in the beverage and confectionary industry. 

Clarified Rice Syrup is also famous, especially in applications where maintaining a translucent color scheme takes precedence, allowing it to be a popular alternative for consumers.