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The spoon is held by a hand and there are candies scattered around the jar and spoon, with some of them partially covered in the rice syrup.


Rice syrup is a key ingredient in the candy world. It comes from breaking down rice starch. This sweet syrup makes candies better by improving their texture and how long they last. Candy makers love it for its many uses.

This article will tell you all about rice syrup. We’ll cover its types, like brown rice syrup, rice malt syrup, and rice nectar. It also talks about how it makes candies taste and look better. If you’re into making candies or just like trying new sweets, you’ll find this guide helpful.

Key Takeaways

  • Rice syrup is a versatile sweetener derived from the enzymatic breakdown of rice starch.
  • It offers unique functional properties that enhance texture, flavor, and shelf life in candy-making.
  • The article explores the different varieties of rice syrup, including brown rice syrup, rice malt syrup, and rice nectar.
  • Rice syrup can be leveraged to create visually appealing and delicious candies with a range of textures and mouthfeels.
  • Organic, vegan, and gluten-free rice syrups provide additional options for health-conscious consumers.

Introduction to Rice Syrup

Rice syrup is a sweetener made from rice starch. It’s becoming more popular because of its unique taste and many uses. It’s great for making candies and other foods.

What is Rice Syrup?

Rice syrup comes from turning rice starch into simple sugars. This process gives it a sweet taste with a hint of nuttiness. It’s better for health because it has less sugar and more nutrients than regular sugar.

Varieties of Rice Syrup

There are many types of rice syrup out there, each with its own special taste:

  • Brown rice syrup: A gluten-free and vegan choice, it tastes sweet and a bit nutty.
  • Rice malt syrup: This syrup is made from brown rice and tastes deep and complex. It’s thicker too.
  • Clarified rice syrup: This syrup is made with organic rice and no synthetic additives. It’s perfect for those who care about health.

These rice syrup types add special tastes and benefits to candy. They help make lots of tasty and new candies.

RICE SYRUP: A Versatile Sweetener

Rice syrup is a versatile sweetener used in many foods, from candies to drinks. It tastes mild to nutty, similar to honey or maple syrup. But it’s great for making candies because it improves their texture and taste.

Rice syrup makes candies smooth and creamy. It stops sugar from forming crystals, so candies stay soft. It also adds a chewy texture to some candies, making them more fun to eat.

Rice nectar has a mild, slightly nutty flavor. This makes it easy to mix with other ingredients in candies. Candy makers love it for creating new and exciting flavors.

Adding rice syrup to candies can change how they taste and feel. It’s a key ingredient for anyone serious about making great candies.

Functional Properties of Rice Syrup

Rice syrup is a versatile sweetener with many useful properties. It’s great for making candy because of its special traits. These traits affect the candy’s texture, feel in your mouth, and overall quality.


Rice syrup can pull moisture from the air, which is known as hygroscopicity. This keeps candies from getting too dry or hard. Thanks to rice syrup, candies stay soft and chewy, making them more enjoyable to eat.


Rice syrup is also known for its thickness, or viscosity. This thickness is useful for making candies smooth and cohesive. It helps mix the candy ingredients together well, creating a texture that’s just right.

Functional Property

Benefit in Candy Making


Maintains desired texture and prevents candies from becoming overly dry or brittle


Helps to create smooth, creamy, and cohesive candy textures, contributing to mouthfeel

By using rice syrup, candy makers can get the perfect mix of texture, moisture, and feel. This makes their candies taste better and feel great in your mouth.

Rice Syrup in Candy Making

Rice syrup is a key sweetener in making many candies. It helps candy makers use rice malt syrup and rice nectar to improve the taste and feel of candies. This suits different tastes of consumers.

Role in Texture and Mouthfeel

Rice syrup is great at keeping moisture, which is important for candy texture. It makes candies chewy, soft, or crunchy as needed. This makes the candy enjoyable and memorable.

The syrup’s thickness also affects candy feel. It makes candies smooth and creamy, giving a rich taste experience. Candy makers use this to try out new flavors and textures with rice syrup.

Candy Type

Role of Rice Syrup

Hard Candies

Enhances crunch and snap

Soft Candies

Contributes to a chewy, pliable texture


Provides a silky, smooth mouthfeel


Imparts a tender, yet cohesive texture

candy making

Rice syrup lets candy makers create a variety of textures. It goes from hard candies to soft ones, making many candies popular. Using rice syrup wisely is key to making these candies a hit.

Advantages of Using Rice Syrup in Candies

Rice syrup is a great choice for candy makers. It’s a natural sweetener that adds a special taste, like nutty or slightly caramelized. This can make candies taste better.

Rice syrup also changes how candies feel in your mouth. It can make them feel smoother and more enjoyable to eat. This lets candy makers try out new recipes with rice syrup.

There are organic and vegan rice syrup options too. This makes it perfect for people who care about their health or follow special diets, like gluten-free.

Rice syrup is a top choice for candy makers because it’s so versatile and appealing.

Popular Candy Varieties Using Rice Syrup

Rice syrup is a versatile sweetener used in many candies. It goes from crunchy hard candies to chewy treats. Its special qualities make it key in making candy.

Hard Candies

In hard candies, rice syrup is vital for sugar crystals. It controls how crystals form, giving candies a smooth look and a crunchy feel. Rice syrup also keeps candies fresh for a long time, making them a favorite among candy makers.

Soft Candies

Rice malt sweetener changes the game for soft, chewy candies. It makes them have the perfect texture and feel. Rice nectar makes these candies chewy and enjoyable, making them stand out.
Enjoying a hard candy’s crunch or a soft candy’s chewiness shows how important rice syrup is in candy making. It’s a big part of what makes candy so special.

Popular Candy

Nutritional Considerations

Rice syrup is a natural sweetener that’s worth looking at closely. It has a low glycemic index, which is good for managing blood sugar. This makes it great for people with diabetes or those on a low-glycemic diet.

Organic and Vegan Rice Syrups

More people want clean and sustainable food, leading to more organic rice syrup and vegan rice syrup. These syrups don’t have synthetic chemicals or animal parts. They’re great for those who care about health and eat plant-based. Companies can use these syrups to meet more consumer needs.

Rice syrup made from organic rice doesn’t have synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. This helps the planet and gives a natural sweetener to those who care about the environment. Vegan rice syrup also doesn’t have animal products, making it perfect for plant-based diets.


Organic Rice Syrup

Vegan Rice Syrup

Production Process

Made from organically-grown rice, without synthetic chemicals

Made without any animal-derived ingredients

Target Consumers

Health-conscious, eco-minded individuals

Vegans and those following plant-based diets

Functional Properties

Provides natural sweetness, hygroscopicity, and viscosity

Offers the same functional properties as traditional rice syrup

Organic rice syrup and vegan rice syrup are great for candy makers who want to meet new consumer needs. Using these syrups in candies can help producers reach more people who want clean, sustainable, and plant-based treats.

Gluten-Free Rice Syrup: A Safe Option

For people with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease, gluten-free rice syrup is a safe and versatile sweetener. It’s naturally free of gluten, making it perfect for gluten-free candies. This lets candy makers create treats that everyone can enjoy, including those with dietary restrictions.

Rice syrup is a big win for the candy industry because it’s gluten-free. This means candy can be made for a wider audience, including those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. It’s a way to make sweets more accessible to everyone.

Health-conscious consumers also love rice syrup because it’s gluten-free. As more people look for gluten-free foods, using gluten-free rice syrup in candy can help meet this growing demand.


Gluten-Free Status

Gluten-free Rice Syrup


Wheat Syrup


Corn Syrup


The table shows how gluten-free rice syrup stands out in the candy world. It’s the clear winner for those avoiding gluten.

Rice Syrup Solids and Powder

Rice syrup comes in liquid, solid, and powder forms. These options make it easy for candy makers to use in many recipes. Rice syrup solids and rice syrup powder add versatility to candy making.

For candy makers, solid and powder rice syrup are great. They are perfect for those who need a stronger sweetener or specific textures. Rice syrup meets the candy industry’s varied needs, helping to make unique and tasty treats.

Rice Syrup Form

Key Characteristics

Typical Applications

Liquid Rice Syrup

Pourable, flexible sweetener

Soft candies, sauces, baked goods

Rice Syrup Solids

Concentrated, easy to measure

Hard candies, coatings, fillings

Rice Syrup Powder

Dry, free-flowing, easily dispersed

Dry mixes, powdered coatings, confections

Rice syrup offers a versatile sweetener for making a variety of candies. It helps candy makers create innovative and tasty treats.


Rice syrup is a great choice for candy makers. It improves texture and taste and helps candies last longer. This natural sweetener is perfect for making treats that look good and taste great.

As people want healthier and more sustainable food, rice syrup is a top pick. It helps candy makers keep up with new trends. Rice syrup is great for making both hard candies and soft candies.

It has special features like hygroscopicity and viscosity that candy makers love. Plus, there are organic, vegan, and gluten-free options. This means candy can meet many different tastes and needs.

The candy world is always changing, and rice syrup is leading the way. Candy makers use its unique qualities to make treats that are tasty and meet today’s food trends. Rice syrup helps candy makers stay on top of the game.


What is rice syrup?

Rice syrup comes from rice starch through enzymatic hydrolysis. It’s a versatile sweetener for foods and drinks, including candies.

What are the different varieties of rice syrup?

There are many types like brown rice syrup, rice malt syrup, and organic rice syrup. Each has a unique taste and uses.

How is rice syrup used in candy making?

Rice syrup is key in making many candies. It changes the texture and feel, making candies chewy or soft as needed.

What are the advantages of using rice syrup in candies?

Rice syrup adds a special flavor and improves texture in candies. It’s also versatile for traditional and new candy recipes.

What types of candies commonly use rice syrup?

Many candies use rice syrup, from hard to soft ones. It helps control sugar crystals in hard candies and makes soft ones chewy.

What are the nutritional considerations when using rice syrup in candies?

Rice syrup has a low glycemic index, making it good for blood sugar control. It’s great for people with diabetes or on low-glycemic diets.

What are organic and vegan rice syrups?

Organic and vegan rice syrups don’t use synthetic chemicals or animal products. They’re popular with health-focused consumers and those on plant-based diets.

Is rice syrup a gluten-free option?

Yes, rice syrup doesn’t have gluten. This makes it perfect for gluten-free candies, helping to make candies for everyone.

What are rice syrup solids and powder?

Rice syrup also comes in solid and powder forms. These are great for confectioners needing a stronger sweetener or specific textures in their candies.

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