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Added sugar has proven to be one of modern diet’s most depreciative aspects towards health. It is generally made up of two simple sugars which are glucose and fructose. Although when taken separately and in the form of fruits is completely fine, once these two are combined and taken in large amounts, it results in adverse health conditions.

A question of health:

This is where rice syrup comes into play, as it is a low-fructose sweetener and is essentially all glucose. However, one may wonder how that is any better or any different?

In terms of human health, it can be argued that the syrup contains a high amount of glucose, but in comparison to fructose, glucose is better for the diabetic consumers as it raises blood sugar levels much more than fructose. Simultaneously, where glucose can be metabolized by every cell in a human body, fructose can only be metabolized in the liver, and in significant amounts. Scientists have concluded that fructose, when taken excessively can cause type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, fatty liver and increased triglyceride levels!

Here is where SGC comes into play: Brown rice syrup has been derived through brown rice; conventional and organic. The production process includes enzymatic treatment of rice using GMO free natural enzymes which break down starches and turn them into much smaller sugars, followed by filtration and concentrated into a thick and heavy syrup. It is a much healthier alternative for consumption in comparison to refined sugar, as it is gluten-free and hypoallergenic.

Upon research consumers will come across three sugars which is contained in this syrup, namely: Maltotriose, Maltose and Glucose. Even further research into the atomics of these will simply show that Maltotriose is three glucose molecules lumped together and Maltose is two glucose molecules, glucose being an easily digestible sugar. The science of it can be very simple!

Use in candies:

Finally, the greatest use of rice syrup has been in candies. SGC’s rice syrup is used in the production of the following:

  1. 1. Pastille
  2. 2. Gums
  3. 3. Jellies
  4. 4. Chocolate/cereal bars
  5. 5. Coating layer on candies


The reason behind its popularity has been the taste, it has a clean sweet flavour with light buttery and honey flavoured notes to top it off. It is also light amber coloured, so to give off the visual appearance of caramel and also as it is not so vivid, can easily be incorporated into the ingredients.

Having a sort of sticky texture gives it the benefit of holding a piece of candy together, giving off a chewy and crispy note to the overall mouthfeel and taste of the candy itself as well. Having a shiny outer coating also helps it look more appealing in certain candies, attracting younger consumers.

To sum up with the aforementioned detail on how rice syrup is a healthier alternative to simple sugars, it acts to decrease the adverse effect of candies on the lifelong health of consumers, being so simple to digest and of a hypoallergic nature, it also helps to settle sugar surges in blood levels. It has been considered healthy, where taken appropriately as part of a healthy and well-balanced diet.

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