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Benefits of Rice Protein


Rice protein is a dairy-free alternative to whey protein. It has a fair amount of protein in it, and is not only great for you; it is also great for the planet. These rice protein although aren’t protein-rich, contain high-quality protein, essential amino acids. What are the benefits of using organic rice protein though? Let’s go through the top ten reasons to use rice protein.

1. Hypo-allergenic

Some people cannot stomach soy-derived protein, milk, and egg due to allergies. Lactose can cause severe allergic reactions, resulting in unwanted gastrointestinal side effects like vomiting, bloating, nausea and diarrhea. Since it contains no gluten, it is suitable for almost everyone. It is gluten, GMO and lactose-free, and has no known allergy concerns.

2. Vegan

Rice protein provides a supplementary source of rice proteins for vegans and vegetarians who cannot use animal proteins. Meat is often the primary source of protein, and vegetables and fruits contain low levels of proteins. Thus, it can be hard for vegans to maintain adequate protein levels. Protein is an important nutrient, often lacking in a vegan diet, rice protein powders can help fill in the nutritional gap.

3. Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Blood sugar spikes after meals, causing the pancreas to secrete insulin to facilitate the storing of nutrients. High-carb meals result in large insulin spikes that trigger fat storage. Rice protein slows down the rate of absorption of high-carb meals and as a result reduces the severity of insulin spikes. Moreover, it also prevents the mental cloud or fatigue that results sometimes.

4.Rapid Absorption

Protein powders, depending on the source are digested and metabolized at various rates. However, rice protein powder is bioavailable and gets readily absorbed into the bloodstream. This rapid absorption makes it ideal for recovery post-training and also has multiple health benefits.

5. Sustainable

Compared to whey protein, rice protein is an eco-friendly product. Whey protein takes a toll on the environment (creates high carbon emissions), as a by-product of the dairy industry. Rice protein, however, creates less carbon emission and uses fewer natural resources.

6. Adaptable

Rice protein has a nutty flavor and is unaffected by heat. Hence, it can be easily used in sweet or savory cooking and baking. To increase their nutritional profile, try them in different recipes like banana bread, protein pancakes, protein cookies, and vegan frittata. On the contrary, other protein powders adversely affect the texture and taste of certain dishes.

7. Improves body Composition

Regardless of the protein source, high-protein diets are known to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat, when combined with a proper exercise regimen. Mostly, it is because of the protein’s ability to make you feel full for longer periods of time. And play a key role in both the creation and maintenance of muscle fibers.

8. Fat Burning

Proteins have a thermic effect; through the process of digestion they create a lot of heat in the body. You burn more calories after a protein-rich meal, because proteins require a lot of energy to digest. Therefore, the intake of rice protein speeds up fat burning. Moreover, for those wanting to shed some weight, it is advisable to build a weight loss strategy around proteins like brown rice powder.

9. Amino Acid Profile

Rice protein contain high amount of many essential proteins, though some amino acids are missing and it is not a complete protein. However, the remaining amino acids can be taken by supplementing rice protein with another vegan protein source or through a well-balanced diet. Brown rice protein has an excellent amino acid profile and contains all the essential amino acids.

10. Easily Digested

Compared to whey protein, rice protein is easier to digest and does not cause digestion issues. People taking protein powder, often struggle with digestive issues. However, rice protein is easier to digest and limits these problems.


In a nutshell, rice protein is a great option. It is lighter on your stomach, kinder to animals and Earth, while still providing you a variety of minerals, vitamins and proteins.

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